Professional Membership to the Centre for School Anxiety Now Open. Join Now.

The Fierce Self-Care Hub

Do you ever feel like self-care is just one more thing to tack onto your to do list?

And then when you get around to doing something for yourself you feel guilty, or find yourself thinking about work or family, or something else you really should be doing.

So, for you self-care just doesn't work.  It's not realistic, or affordable, or doable right now.

That's where FIERCE self-care comes on.

For you to persevere and find enjoyment in your career you MUST practice self-care, but not just any self-care

Fierce Self-Care.

It's integrated.

It is HOW you do things, not just WHAT you do.

It's fluid AND needs you to stay still and access your calm dynamic.

It's proactive AND responsive.

It's compassionate AND tough.

It starts with one simple question

What do you need?

And from this level of self-connection it expands to other layers of connection.

Connection with yourself, with others, and with the world around you. 

Explore the Self-Care Hub.  You will find free and paid resources to help you embrace fierce self-care.

I would love to hear about where you are in your journey and what you need most.

Kim xx

ps Here's a link to my YouTube video to learn more

Available Products

The CSA Professional Membership

This is for you if you want to broaden your connections, deepen your knowledge and be seen as a leader in facilitating a successful school experience for all participants. 

It's especially for you right now, if you want to be a foundational member and help shape the nature of the Centre for School Anxiety.  I'm a big believer in collective wisdom.

Time to Check In

Make the switch to fierce self-care with connection at it's heart.

It starts here.

Grab yourself about 15 minutes, a nice hot cup of coffee (or tea), a pen, a notebook, It's Time to Check In.

Check in and see how well you coping, identify areas of potential burnout and act before it takes hold.

Oh, and by the way, it's currently FREE.

    The Networking Checklist

    This 12 page guide helps you identify three things:

    1. Where your clients are coming from.

    2. Whether your network is set up to encourage your growth and development

    3. The level of support your network is providing.

    COST:  $7 plus GST.  Free for members

    Time for a break

    Make the most of your next break. 

    This helpful training contains a 30 minute video AND the 7 Steps to Rest and Reconnect Guide.

    Together they take you through how to make the most of your next break, what type of break to have, ways to transitioning into and out of a break to including setting up your social media and communication ducks in a row so that you can have a proper rest.

    COST: $27 + GST

    How to survive and thrive as a psychologist

    What's it really like working as a psychologist?

    In this curated and quite personal guide, I share my top five things I learnt over 17 years of being a psychologist, so you can avoid the pitfalls I experienced and create an early, strong career foundation.

    COST: Currently FREE.

    My Daily Connection Journal

    Writing things down can interrupt the pattern of rumination, create perspective, help you get unstuck from troublesome thoughts and feelings, and facilitate the process of acceptance and/or problem-solving.

    Lost your writing mojo? Never started a writing practice? Wanting a moment to check in with yourself?

    My Daily Connection Journal can help.

    COST: Currently only $7 +GST.

    Essential Self Care for Psychologists: Online Program

    Are you ready to switch to fierce self-care and move from overwhelm to calm?  

    Seven self-paced, bite sized paced modules that have been created to help you embrace your needs, future proof your career and prevent burnout. 

    Equates to approximately 4 hours of CPD points

    COST: Currently only $197 +GST

    Befriend your Imposter Syndrome and improve your confidence

    Imposter Syndrome is prevalent amongst professionals, and the mental health industry is no exception.

    This 45 minute presentation by Nonie Carr, Psychologist and Kim Ross (Dunn), Psychologist takes you through three important steps of managing Imposter Syndrome.

    1. Identifying the imposter and how it impacts on you;

    2. Conducting a reality check; and

    3. How to live (and thrive) with Imposter Syndrome.  

    COST: Currently $47

    Reduce physical fatigue - How to set up your workstation

    How to improve your working environment by setting up an ergonomic workstation.

    COST: This is a FREE guide.

    Be Kind to Yourself

    Self-compassion does not always come easy.

    How often do you speak to yourself in the way you would to your best friend?

    The compassion and understanding you offer your clients tends to come easier than offering yourself the same.  Self-compassion acknowledges your right be be human; to experience pain and suffering; to NOT being OK; to make mistakes; and, to forgive your imperfections.

    COST: This is a FREE resource.

    Moving On: Transitioning between school years.

    You can use this resource to help you navigate your primary school child moving from one year level to the next.  The Moving On booklet contains discussion prompts about what your child might be experiencing as they move from one grade level to another.  The School What If...Bingo Card helps normalise and open up discussion about some of the internal thoughts your child may be experiencing.

    My Products Available Products
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